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Journey Through the Past and Into Infinity with Allen Steele!


From the multiple Hugo Award-winning author of Coyote comes twelve astounding stories of science fiction (yes, old-timers, the pun is intentional). Twelve tales of adventure, mystery, and romance in the grand tradition by "one of the field's very finest writers" (Robert J. Sawyer).


From the deserts of Mars to the distant frontiers of the galaxy, from an island paradise of the 1930's to an apocalyptic showdown between humans and robots on the day after tomorrow, Allen Steele transports you to worlds unvisited and events that haven't been experienced… until now!


"Steele is an author whose grasp is broad, and focused toward futures in which Homo sapiens has a chance of flourishing. For this alone, he is an important representative of mature Genre SF." —John Clute, The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction



"…eloquent… a wonderful introduction to Steele's work, in which he stretches his talents…" —Publishers Weekly starred review, March 16, 2015


"The collection is… a robust sampler of Steele's recent work, though it's less than perfect as an overall showcase of his talents, precisely because all of these stories are from the last four or five years and therefore don't do justice to a career that stretches back almost three decades.… The majority of these stories are richly ideated and neatly conceived.… History, and an acute perception of the passage of time, pulse throughout the collection. Alternate pasts, counter-factual presents and retro-futures provide Steele with elegant parallax shifts through which to examine our deepest impulses and drives. We may not be surprised by what he discovers, but the dignity and loving detail with which he weaves his spells make for a gratifying journey nonetheless." —Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, OSC's Intergalactic Medicine Show (May 2015)


"Allen Steele… writes the kind of science-based, extrapolative tales that we all enjoy.… Tales of Time and Space brings together an even dozen of Steele's stories, and each one is a delight.… "The Big Whale" is a hilarious mash-up of Herman Melville and pulp detective stories.…" —Don Sakers, Analog Science Fiction and Fact (July-August 2015)


"Steele's work has enough range, and his romantic streak is deep enough, to suggest that in an earlier age he might have become the kind of utility-outfielder magazine writer he pays homage to in 'The Jekyll Island Horror'.… These stories… a tightly grouped sample of his work (nine appeared in 2012-13), and setting them in context with the generally autobiographical headnotes gives the collection more heft than it would have had otherwise, and makes it a welcome look into the processes that produce the fiction." —Russell Letson, Locus Magazine (July 2015)



Table of Contents:
Introduction: Pattern Recognition
Martian Blood
Two from Coyote:
     The Other Side of Jordan
The Jekyll Island Horror
Locomotive Joe and the Wreck of Space Train No. 4
Four from Near Space:
     Sixteen Million Leagues from Versailles
     Alive and Well, A Long Way from Anywhere
     The Heiress of Air
     Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
The Big Whale
The Observation Post


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